A Superior day?

Day 109 – July 21

After a pleasant stay in one of the best appointed parks we have been in we were on the road and heading for Sault Ste. Marie. Driving through this part of Ontario, with its granite rocks and spruce forests, is very reminiscent of driving through Nova Scotia and the views we are now getting of Lake Superior could very easily be views to the ocean as Superior stretches uninterrupted to the horizon. I suspect that on a dark windy day it looks even more ocean like. Fewer bridges under construction and a decrease in truck traffic, probably due to it being Sunday, allowed us to make better time than on the two previous days.

Somewhere on Superior

Somewhere on Superior

We passed through White River, north of Lake Superior, whose main claim to fame is being the home of the orphaned black bear cub that was bought there by Canadian soldier Lieutenant Harry Colbourn and eventually donated to the London Zoo to become the inspiration for A.A. Milne’s Winnie The Pooh. After our trip to the Winnie The Pooh Gallery in Winnipeg on July 18 it was an interesting coincidence to close the loop on that part of the story.

Sault Ste. Marie was behind us by mid afternoon and we moved from the watershed of Lake Superior to that of Lake Huron. Although our maps did not show a lot of campgrounds there were several options available to us. We checked out a couple before settling on the ‘Chutes’ provincial park in Massey. The park was situated at the falls in the Aux Chutes River and had generous treed sites with electricity. After hooking up the electricity to the BRT we followed a well marked and well used trail system with viewing platforms and several bridges over that provided great views of the river and its multiple falls and rapids.






After 45 minutes of walking we had lost ambition to prepare the barbecued pork chops that were tentatively on the menu for the night and settled for beans and left over sausages while we watched some of the DVD’s that Ken and Renee had loaned us.
