April 20 – (Playing Woodstock – from Carla and Sean)

Did we mention that Dave is an early riser? Up at 5:30am – we’re not sure how he does it given the challenges of the night before, Michelle woke us as promised at 7am to say good-bye as he headed to work. Toast, tea/coffee, and a final quick gab with Michelle and we were on our way. Made it through Montreal relatively unscathed and headed for the Maritimes. The always troublesome road from Riveiere du Loup and Edmundston has continued to be upgraded over the past year and now features more twinning, However on this particular day it looked like the Quebec construction strike was still on so the only workers were a multitude of flagmen otherwise nada…

We were within striking distance of home and would have met Sean’s self-proclaimed last day on the road of 20 June but our somewhat late start, fuzzy heads and lack of desire meant we weren’t going to reach the homestead much before midnight so why bother. And while descending upon Grace and Shogi in Sackville might have been possible (we would have called first Grace, honest), instead we rolled into Woodstock heading for a close by campground ably guided by Sean’s iPhone. It took us to a school park and not the camping park and even proudly announced our arrival… We turned around and Carla once more affirmed why maps are best. We headed to the lakeside park but it was full then to Jellystone Park (Sean just couldn’t handle that) so off to Howard Johnsons (HoJos) we went. With the traveller’s rate it wasn’t much more expensive than hanging about with Yogi and Boo Boo for the night. Some RVers we have turned out to be! Three indoor beds in the past three nights although our RV’s king-size is perfectly comfortable… laziness I guess and the proximity to home. The Channels they calls it in sailor world… sitting on our deck or sailing or even mowing the lawn is starting to look good after 7 months of travel (for Sean’s work in Kaz, Nepal, etc.), and I am even looking forward ti getting home and just hanging out. It has been absolutely great, especially having such great friends to travel with for most of it, but it is now time to start enjoying the all-too-brief Novi summer and remember, after tomorrow the days start getting shorter.

So, one more post tomorrow upon arrival and then we will do a brief summary of the trip and costs etc that might be of use to to others thinking about a similar adventure.

So good night and a fond hidey ho from Ho Jos high atop the hill in Woodstock (not the hippie free-love place unfortunately).

One thought on “April 20 – (Playing Woodstock – from Carla and Sean)

  1. carmel

    Happy solstice ! and happy summer to both of you (mowing lawns etc) – especially trying out the new boat (sounds lovely)

    Maps are best (I’m with Carla)

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