Whitehorse – day 2

Day 76 – June 18

After a leisurely start to the day we drove I to Whitehorse with Jane and Ike in the LRT. Ike had arranged to meet a friend at a cafe so we dropped him off and then Jane, Diane and I walked around the Shipyards Park and visited a local craft store and gallery. We met up with Ike at the cafe where I got some suggestions from his friend where to fish locally, including a hand drawn map to his favourite spot right in town.

Shipyards Park

Shipyards Park

We visited another gallery before heading to a restaurant, the Chocolate Claim, for a soup and sandwich lunch, followed by a shared cranberry square, very tasty. Feeling the need to work off some of that lunch we drove up to Gray Mountain for a hike. Ike drove up the gravel road as far as practical on the LRT and then pulled off in a clearing to park where we began our hike.

One the way up Jane found an interesting rock that had some fossil markings on it, possibly of a fish fin, a leaf or fern. We hiked for about an hour and a quarter up what at times was a very steep gravel road, stopping periodically to turn around and admire the increasingly beautiful view back over Whitehorse and the Yukon River. A bit short of the summit we stopped for a group shot and then made our way back down the hill, which due to the slippery gravel underfoot was just as challenging as walk as the uphill leg had been.

The Yukon River

The Yukon River


Almost to the top

Almost to the top

We returned to the rv park where Jane and Ike went out to supper with friends in Whitehorse while we relaxed and reduced the food in our freezer. When Jane and Ike returned (somewhat later than they had planned I might note) we sat outside and had one last glass of wine together (on this trip) as tomorrow the LRT is heading east and south towards Fort Simpson and eventually home.

2 thoughts on “Whitehorse – day 2

  1. carmel

    what a beautiful shot of you four!! i love it, so great to see parts of the armadillo converging 🙂


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