April 17, 2013 – Mutton-Hides, Men in Uniform, and Mosquitoes (from Carla and Sean)

Woke to blue skies and a promise of 23 degree weather in Kenora as we headed out just before 9am. Still planned to make tracks east today as we headed towards Thunder Bay. This got delayed early as we past Egli’s Sheep Farm and Sheepskin products, just west Dryden. A quick turn around and 45 minutes in the store made the stop worth the time, as I ended my 5 year search and exited the store with a new sheepskin coat. My God but they are warm!

Sheared clean at Sheepville

Sheared clean at Sheepville

The TC highway east (#17) has a 90km max speed. This plus lots of stops for road construction slowed us down considerably and we passed through Thunder Bay 2 hours later than expected. The Trans Canada Hwy splits at Nipigon into the TC 11 and TC 17. We did our research on which route was best and decided on the 11 as it was reported to have less traffic and was said to be more picturesque then the southern route.

Having chosen our route we stopped for gas, switched drivers, turn north and literally “took off” down the TC 11. Bad call, the first kilometre of this road is a 60km zone, and guess who was waiting for Sean, around the bend…. Yep the OPP! We pulled over into the driveway of a tiny church, and the stern-faced officer proceeded to inform us that we were driving 36km over the limit. I smiled sweetly and apologized as Sean did that verbal dance he does when he knows he’s wrong. You know, the one the starts with, and I quote “my GPS told me it was a 90km zone” and “I guess I wasn’t paying attention, as this is such a beautiful drive along the lake”…..just to mention a couple. After returning from the patrol car with our NS registration and insurance, he asked where we were headed, which was Sean’s cue to talk about our trip. You could see his face soften with each destination descriptive, especially when Dryden was mentioned, which just happens to be his home town……..JACKPOT!!! A 5min conversation ensued that ended with a smile and light warning, and we were off, having dodged a $296 fine and 4 demerit points. Lucky or what!

After stopping in Geraldton for a few groceries, we arrived at MacLead PP at 7:30pm, one of the the few provincial parks on this 1300km stretch of road. The park was situated on a pristine lake and a-buzz with mosquitoes and the pending Walleye Fishing Championships. An enjoyable and horseshoes kinda day.

One thought on “April 17, 2013 – Mutton-Hides, Men in Uniform, and Mosquitoes (from Carla and Sean)

  1. carmel

    I have a feeling the dates are skewed 🙂

    so glad you guys have all the dancing down, with the cops across Canada – 🙂 my memories are not so great in Quebec (I was the slowest, so they caught me… seriously, what old Volvo can be carting stuff all over the roof, and 4 people inside, more than 90km/hr? certainly not our old one, so they ran us down, and who were we to tell what the cops view was? All i know was that I couldn’t (then) get through Quebec quickly enough. blah….(obviously it still rankles… after how many years now? )

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