June 15, 2013 (Blastoff from Banff and the Regina Monologues – from Sean & Carla)

We left the parking lot, I mean campsite (it was actually OK), at 09:00 or so and headed to Banff Springs Hotel for brunch. Food was awesome despite it being a buffet. They will literally make you anything you want so I had a Denver omelette and bacon buttie while Carla had yogurt, baked apples and an omelette with too many veggies for my liking. We wandered the grounds after then headed to the confluence of the Saskatchewan and Bow Rivers right in Banff. Then off down the road dodging major rain showers and storm cells eventually reaching just east of Regina. A long but good day.

Big lobby - nice hotel

Big lobby – nice hotel

The World's largest TeePee, an actual tourist stop on the highway to Moose Jaw

The World’s largest TeePee, an actual tourist stop on the highway to Moose Jaw

Saskatchewan has a very (yawn) exciting topography  ZZZZZZzzzzzzz....

Saskatchewan has a very (yawn) exciting topography ZZZZZZzzzzzzz….

Saskatchewan, like eastern Alberta, Manitoba, and western Ontario are what the Americans would call fly-over states. Not sure why they exist except to ensure Canada remains the 2nd largest country in the world perhaps? Not sure…

And the highway between Moose Jaw and Regina is now the worst stretch of road we have encountered thus far and we have seen some bad stuff. At least they are working on it… actually not!

Cumulo-nimbus clouds barring the way

Cumulo-nimbus clouds barring the way

Whether good luck, karma or whatever, except for a few sprinkles we dodged several major storm cells.