June 9, 2013 (The Armadillo Reborn – Casey and Alex take on the LRT role for a few days – from Sean & Carla)

An early rise (OK, kidding) saw us having breakfast and on the road promptly at 12:00. A long winding drive out left behind a sunny Tofino for uncertain weather ahead with low cloud, rain, and cooler temperatures.

The Westie turned into Limo-mode to chauffeur the parental units about Tofino

The Westie turned into Limo-mode to chauffeur the parental units about Tofino

We were heading for Miracle Beach on the east coast of the Island, another recommendation from Alex’s father. Looking at the skies, a miracle is what might be needed. But we managed to recover the sunshine we were used to as we descended from the hills towards the far shore. Miracle Beach is on Georgia Strait and is one in a long series of beaches along the coast just north of Comox.

The Beach (it is a miracle it isn't raining)

The Beach (it is a miracle it isn’t raining)

The provincial park was great with big trees and wide spots for putting more vehicles on them. We managed to get the BRT on a spot next to the MRT with the LRT (Casey and Alex listed as the ‘extra’ vehicle). The park ranger was a happy sort and collected directly from the campers. His approach was heralded by much singing.

Big campsite!

Big campsite!

The group settled In to a routine where Diane did back exercises, Phil practiced ukulele (he had an appreciative audience of rapt Aussies for this practice session),

Phil workin' the campsite crowd!

Phil workin’ the campsite crowd!

Carla organized snacks and Sean started the fire with leftover free firewood from the Tofino campground. We deployed our awning, a rarity and just in time as the rain caught up to us. Alex and Casey had escaped for the beach upon arrival but were now focused on avoiding as much rain as possible and came running back. We had more food, wine, rum and played rumoli for the first time in the trip. With 6 it is a lot of fun and kept us entertained for a few hours before sleep enveloped the players.