June 10, 2013 (The times, they are a changin’ – from Sean & Carla)

Phil and Diane left earlyish for more attempts as catching something, anything, seriously… since Phil imparted the very basics of fly fishing to me a week or so ago, he hasn’t seen so much as a guppy. Desperation is setting in and although I have recommended the tried and true dynamite method to see what comes up, he has so far refused, such a sporting guy he is 

The RTs fueling around! Guess who pays less?

The RTs fueling around! Guess who pays less?

After a decent breakfast with Casey & Alex, the four of us left for the beach where we were treated to many school aged kids arriving for the day. The beach is perfect for kids with many wading pools left from the retreating tide.

And in the background on the Strait of Georgia were the first of the Round the Vancouver Island Race boats (Vancouver 360 Race) heading north in light airs with the snow-capped mountains in the background.

Big boat, big hills!

Big boat, big hills!

From there it was off to play mini-golf. As many of you may know Carla is an unrivaled expert in this sport. We have played in many countries and I usually see twice as many strokes to sink balls as Carla does. But it was not to be, the spell was broken and she came in 4th (of 4). Alex won after struggling to keep his ball on the astro-turf through the first 9 holes.

He's the big wiener!

He’s the big wiener!

A picnic with left-over spaghetti ala Barry in followed, in absolutely gorgeous weather, the nicest since California in fact! And then it was another parting of the ways (it never gets any easier no matter how many times we do it) as Casey and Alex headed back to Victoria (they are in Halifax 02 September) and we headed north to Port Hardy to rejoin the BRT for the ferry ride to Prince Rupert the following day.

Bye for now!

Bye for now!