April 29, 2013 (Westward ho!)

These time changes have really been great, as we gained another hour yesterday, which allowed us a relaxing start to the morning. Today was a travel day, and the scenery could not be beat, with wide open skies, and massive table-top “mesas” as far as the eye could see. As we drove through Albuquerque, we could not get over how clean the city was, with its terracotta-painted overpasses and boulevards of cactus rock gardens. Sean figured he could live here for awhile.

Today was also to be our inaugural visit to “Campers World”, just past the city where their big sign beckoned. An hour and a half later, and $200 poorer, out we came with both the “need to haves” (water filter, levelers, etc) and the “want to haves” (Sean got a fancy new camping chair which is super comfee and folds into nothing).

Again we jumped on and off Route 66, but not as often, as there was much less of the original road here. For example, the state saved the route 66 bridge that crossed over the Rio Grand, but there was no road on either side of it, so it just sat there, parallel to the I-40, for all to see as you whizzed by. We also drove through a few more “66” towns like Gallop, which has thriving vintage motels, gas stops, and businesses, and is also a trading center for both the Navajo and Zuni people of the area.

By the time we crossed the boarder into Arizona it was 5pm…. on no, wait a minute… another hour saved… its only 4pm, but we are both wiped, and decided the $42 Days Inn price cannot be beat, so another 30 mins and we arrived for the evening. Another great day!