April 24, 2013 – (A l’il bit Country)

While we had good intentions of getting an early start, I’m not sure if it was the peaceful camping site, or the fact we are just now getting into the slower-paced groove, that didn’t get us away until after 9AM, albeit our best intentions. Learning from our mistakes the previous evening, we really didn’t want to hit the tacky “Strip” again, and found a by-pass route out of the national park that skirted the towns and gave us a lovely drive through the hills of SE Tennessee.

Later, as we scooted down the I-40, on our way to Nashville, we were hit by a downpour of torrential proportions, which slowed us down just a little bit more, but then miracles or miracles, we decided to turn on the radio (Yes, Sean and I have just been enjoying each other’s witty conversation for the past 5 days), and realized we had gained another hour, which brought us in to Nashville at about 12:30PM. A quick clean-up and a check of e-mails and such, and we were off to see the town. First stop – Ryman Auditorium, which first opened as the Union Gospel Tabernacle in the late 1800s and then became the home of the Grand Olde Opry, until 1974, when it moved to a larger facility. Dolly, Hank Williams, Willie Nelson, June &Johnny Cash… the list went on and on, and the costumes on display were amazing. Intricate beading and designs that would have taken weeks. We decided to take the backstage tour which had an interesting guide, with lots of antidotes. For example, did you know that the song “Crazy”, sung by Patsy Cline, was written by Willie Nelson, and she didn’t want to record it, until her manager convinced her to sing it the way she thought it should be sung, not the way Willie sang it…and it became the #2 song of 1962 and is known as her ‘signature’ song!!! Or that Johnny Cash got kicked out as a member of the Opry because he was drunk one night (of many) and smashed all the lights on the stage. He was never invited to be a member again, and only brought back as an invited guest! It was a great tour and combined a little of the Country Music Hall of Fame with the Opry tour, only smaller, which was perfect for us.

Grand Olde Opry

Grand Olde Opry

Leaving the Ryman, we walked the Broadway strip for the rest of the afternoon, pausing for drinks and musical highlights at the “whiskey Bent Saloon” then “Tootsies”, and landed at a bar we can’t remember the name of, but had 3 great musicians, that could play just about anything. One would start to sing or play, theur i-phones would recognize the tune and then quickly provide the lyrics and then all were off and signing the same tune. We relaxed, and laughed, had supper and headed back to the hotel, hoping for an early start the next day. Tech wars will have to wait…


2 thoughts on “April 24, 2013 – (A l’il bit Country)

  1. Gisele

    I can’t believe how far you’ve travelled since leaving NS. Rollin’ rollin’ rollin, you are moving right along. I don’t think you’ll have a problem meeting up with your friends.

    Cheers, MOM

  2. carmel forde

    so wonderful to hear about you two chatting for five days; i’m so impressed! just returned from UK (visiting my son and his gf in London, my friends in Lake district) – I envy your weather (maybe not all the time)

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