April 21, 2013 – ‘Buds to Blossoms’

Left Concord this morning after some world-class hospitality last night, thanks again Kate. The air was a little crisper this morning at 12°C but clear skies prevailed. A whirlwind of states fell beneath the MRT’s tires as we blew through Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and finally arrived in Front Royal, Virginia. From Concord last night until here in Virginia is one ongoing historical collection of battle zones and monuments. We wanted to visit Gettysburg but couldn’t find the address… (sorry, too tired to be funny).

As for the title of this blog entry we observed the depths of winter in the Maritimes a few days ago to the hopeful signs of new blossoms in Concord to the almost complete foliation of trees here in Virginia with many cherry, apple and pear blossoms thriving, a hopeful sign that winter has finally given up, at least here in the south.

Tomorrow is a relaxed touring the Shenandoah Valley on our way south to Roanoke. And by the by, the best ribs we have had in many a year was provided by the Mountain Soul Café, highly recommended.


3 thoughts on “April 21, 2013 – ‘Buds to Blossoms’

  1. Chris

    Hardly need to go to the library anymore ..!!! The detail is great almost like being there except for the weather. Our’s still sucks!!

  2. Kate

    Sounds wonderful! Sad to say that I haven’t visited most of the places you have/will visit… Pitiful since I live in the US. Some day, I will need to correct that…

  3. Sandra Pace

    Thanks for providing the great descriptions of what you are seeing. Since I haven’t done the southern route, will be looking forward to your Vegas onward stories.
    Overcast again today, but we are hopeful spring is in the air, if only in a song!
    Be safe.

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