April 20, 2013 – The Minutia of Minutemen…

Greetings and salutations from Concorde MA. We left Bagtown Inn (thanks Grace and Jane and Ike) this morning in driving cold rain and howling SW winds… why do we live in the Maritimes again? But the promise of better things awaited us to the south with warming air temperatures and blue skies. The US border crossing was a breeze and route 9 (the Maine Airliner route) was wobbly for the MRT in the strong winds but not unmanageable.

Once we reached New Hampshire, a quick stop was made at the Circle of Life (AKA as the New Hampshire Rotary Liquor Store – always a favorite for sailors on their way to Marblehead – a handle of rum from Goslings is $23US, yikes!). And of course we bought some wine so we would look more sophisticated than RVing might otherwise suggest.


And by 4PM we were in Concorde with sunny breaks, 18C, apple blossoms and flowers everywhere.  Kate’s spot is lovely and backs on wetlands so very quiet. And she is in good company… when turning into town the front of the nearest home said “Residence of Ralph Waldo Emerson” but apparently he doesn’t live there anymore. And of course, this town is known for it’s Minutemen… not sure that is a good thing!


So tomorrow we have a lazy start then Front Royal is the destination of choice…

One thought on “April 20, 2013 – The Minutia of Minutemen…

  1. Kate

    I missed you as soon as you drove out of the driveway! It was the most wonderful dose of great medicine to see you both! Can’t wait to keep reading about your travels!

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