Day 11 continued

Day 11-April 14 continued

After our musical session we went across the street to visit an art gallery which had some lovely work by local artists, including some work by the owner who repurposed various every day items such as irons and farming tools into what were surprisingly attractive lamps, considering the origins of the constituent parts.

After Floyd we headed back onto the Parkway, crossed over into North Carolina and found the Stone Mountain St. Park. Similar to many of the state parks we have been at it was poorly marked to the point of being hidden. I feel more like Indiana Jones than a tourist, with every stop becoming more and more difficult to find.

As we are getting a little low on food supplies a bit of creative work was necessary to pull a supper out of the hat but Jane came through with some tasty chili, made with ingredients that included some freeze dried protein stuff, basically bomb food, but just like some of the art pieces in Floyd, the product was far superior to what you might have assumed, considering the constituent parts.

Diane fired up the oven and topped off the meal with some fresh baked biscuits – hardly roughing it are we. Although we had bought wood for a fire we were all too tired so it looks like the wood is going to travel for a while.

Day 12 – April 15

I’m behind, stay tuned.