Update Day 1 – 5

Things have been a little busy so our blogging has taken a back seat to driving, eating and sleeping so you are owed a bit of an update on the last couple of days.

Day 1 -April 6

After a relaxing drive to Sackville ( during which I didn’t run into anything – yeah me) Family 3 (Di and Phil) and the BRT had a great meal with Family 1. Lots of last minute planning mixed with the nervous anticipation of embarking on such a venture.

Day 2-April 7

After breakfast Di and I headed out to let Jane and Ike finish packing without us under foot. We had two other stops to make in NB to visit. Our first visit was Moncton to visit Jeremy and Linda at their B &B . I took the opportunity to pick up my sister’s old guitar for Jane. She had planned to buy one so she could teach herself how to play on the trip but due to a busy week she didn’t have a chance to do that and since I had bought a ukulele to learn to play on the trip I thought it only fair that Ike suffer as much as Diane would – I’m thoughtful like that.

Our next stop was at Quispamsis outside of Saint John where we had arranged to meet with Janet and Brennan at a Tim’s along the highway and where we would rendezvous with Jane and Ike – sort of a trial run of what to do if we get separated on the road. Had a great visit with them and ended up sitting in the Tim’s parking lot in the comfort of the BRT. It’s kind of cool always having a coach and fridge with you.

Jane and Ike arrived about 3 and we headed off for our first destination, Freeport. After an uneventful crossing of the border – uneventful but interesting. A couple of questions about fruit, vegetables and pets but one strange question about ‘is someone taking care of your house’ the border guard had a really nice diamond ring and I wonder if she has some side business going. I quickly told her that our mixed martial arts nephew Colin was staying there with his Pitbull and he was cataloging his extensive gun collection in our spare bedroom while he was staying there and that I hoped he stayed on his meds. That should do it for home security.

We stopped along the Airline route at a diner. Had a really interesting conversation with the owner about the merits of having a conceal permit so you didn’t have to unload your side arm every time you got back on your ATV when you were checking your bear trap line. I left a disproportionate tip.

We made it to Freeport that night at about 10:30.

Day 3 – April 8

After a quick shopping stop to pick up some travel essentials – the things that you really need to survive (for me it was a new parafoil kite) Diane bought clothes or something that is just going to eventually wear out. Who said men weren’t practical shoppers.

Giving Beans the boot

Giving Beans the boot

We left Freeport and followed the 95 and 202 through Rochester, Concord and Keene stopping for the night at The Knotty Pine Motel in beautiful downtown Bennington. The owner recommended a brew pub in town. As we felt the need for a walk we headed out. Did you know that a one mile walk totally takes the buzz out of two bourbon and maple porters – who knew.

Day 4 – April 9

We had breakfast next to the Knotty Pine – I wasn’t wasn’t willing to risk my early morning tea buzz to so cross country trek. After a quick stop for Family # 1 to get some road coffee we were off. Our morning was spent driving through upstate New York – the Bible Belt as we were to find out. We stopped in Oneonta and went to the Yellow Deli for lunch. At first we thought we had walked into a granola bar but soon came to realize that it was closer to a WACO drive through. I avoided the speciality of the house – Koolaid.

Jane and I sought out a music store so that Jane could get a guitar book – since it appears we are now the Travelling Willburys. We found out front the pleasant owner who has owned the shop for 40 years that I should probably replace the 20 year old strings on the guitar as they had exceeded their best before date by some 19 years and 6 months. She offered to install the strings for us and did a bit of a refurbish on the guitar while she told us about all the home schooling in the area and how she had taken her daughter out of school many years ago because of sex education. My guess is that her concern was not a lack of the subject matter. A very pleasant lady but it is obvious we are in a very different world here. It looks like home from the road but when you slow down and pay attention the culture isn’t quite the same. Still can’t get used to seeing motorcyclists without helmets.

We made it to just outside Scranton that night and had a great meal at the Italian restaurant next door.

Day 5 – April 10

Diane and Jane went across the road to get groceries this morning. We hope to make it to the Blue Ridge Parkway and spend the night in our vehicles rather than in a hotel. Ike and I were left in charge of checking out and reading the vehicles for the next leg of the adventure.